FOODSAFE in Calgary

Calgary First Aid is the top choice for training by food service workers in Calgary, Alberta. We offer a wide range of FOODSAFE training courses in Calgary and class schedules to our prospective trainees, ensuring them that they will receive the best possible education in food safety and sanitation. In Alberta, food service workers are (technically) not required by law to get training certificates. However, all establishments that handle food directly are required to have a number of their staff trained – which means that you may be selected by your employer to sign up for FOODSAFE training Courses in calgary.

Training and credentials with FOODSAFE in Calgary

In Alberta, training credentials for food safety do not have an expiration date (unlike other provinces in Canada). However, service workers with credentials are expected to sign up for update or refresher training within the next five years after the issuance of their training certificate.  Credentials from Calgary First Aid are valid all over the city and Canada.

Why food safety should be important to you

When we consume food, we ingest nutrients our bodies need in order to survive. However, food, when contaminated with dangerous substances, can also make us very sick. Microorganisms and chemicals can end up on improperly handled food and cause foodborne illness. Microorganisms such as the Norovirus, Camyplobacter spp., Clostridium perfringens, non-typhoidal Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus are the most common causes of mild foodborne illness (cases that do not end in hospitalization).

Chemicals like pesticides are typically present in produce that is not cleaned or washed thoroughly then eaten raw. Poisoning from chemicals typically manifest the same symptoms as foodborne illness caused by pathogens. Victims will experience stomach pain, cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. Conditions are usually self-limiting, meaning they resolve within a few days to a week.

Management at home

Mild cases are indeed manageable at home with proper hydration. Replenishing  lost fluids and electrolytes are important in keeping the victim hydrated. Water alone is not enough; electrolytes also have to be replaced. A good way to hydrate a victim suffering from dehydration is to give them oral rehydration solution, available in ready-to-mix powder packs. The solution can also be made at home with 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon salt, and 8 teaspoons sugar. This will help restore lost water and electrolytes in the body.

The dangers of dehydration

Dehydration is the most dangerous complication of foodborne illnesses. When the symptoms persist for more than a week, the victim can become severely dehydrated. Symptoms of dehydration include decreasing level of consciousness, dry mucous membranes (mouth and lips), poor skin turgor, and decreased urine output. When these symptoms become apparent, it is best to seek immediate medical attention.

The Food Regulation Act

The Food Regulation Act is a public health act in Alberta that requires food establishments to train employees in food safety and sanitation. Section 31 of the act specifically requires the following:

  • When more than five staff members are working, a supervisor trained in food safety has to be present.
  • When less than six staff members are working, a non-supervisory staff member trained in food safety has to be present.

As you can see, not all employees have to be trained. However, the presence of a trained employee is required at all time in the establishment.

Food Safe Certificate Course Request in Calgary

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