FOODSAFE in Edmonton

All food establishments in Alberta that handle food are required to have workers certified in food safety. Before these establishments are awarded permits by local health inspectors, they need to meet the requirements set forth by public health laws in the city of Edmonton and the rest of the province. This is where Edmonton First Aid comes in handy.
Food service workers who are chosen by their respective employers to get a food safety training credential can sign up for FOODSAFE and sanitation classes in our training provider in Edmonton. We have several classes available, as well as various schedules throughout the week.

FOODSAFE in Edmonton

You can find more information on the Edmonton First Aid website. We have schedules, rates, and a list of courses on the site, even an online application form you can use to start your enrollment. Contact us whenever you are available to get started on food safety training at Edmonton First Aid. You may send an e-mail, give us a call, or even visit us in person during opening hours.

Food safety and sanitation

Food establishments covered by the act are those that directly handle preparation, storage, and service of food, like restaurants and delis. Establishments that only deal with pre-packaged food (and do not tamper with the packaging) such as convenience stores. In the process of food preparation, if a food service worker does not practice safe handling, it can cause the product to be contaminated with microorganisms and chemicals. These substances can cause foodborne illnesses in consumers who purchase and ingest the food.

This is why getting health permits in Alberta is quite difficult. Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) and Public Health Inspectors (PHI) still get the final say when it comes to giving permits.

The Food Regulation act only requires the following:

  • The presence of a trained supervisor when there are more than five employees on duty
  • The presence of trained non-supervisory staff member when there are less than six employees on duty

However, if the local health authorities deem the establishment too high risk and require all employees to get trained in food safety and sanitation, the establishments has no choice but to comply.

Your training certificate

All of our programs at Edmonton award students with training credentials once they finish training. Compared to other provinces in Canada, certification in Edmonton does not expire. The law merely requires all food service workers who have training credentials in food safety to get updated training at least every five years. They may also get updated training sooner than five years.

We also offer update courses in food safety, called refresher courses in Edmonton First Aid.

Getting started: Infection by a pathogen

Pathogens are the most common cause of a foodborne illness. They are dangerous microorganisms that manifest as gastrointestinal (and in more severe cases, systemic) systems. The can bring about symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and abdominal cramps. The symptoms are very similar across different foodborne illnesses, which makes it hard to diagnose without a proper blood exam.

Food Safe Certificate Course Request in Edmonton

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