FOODSAFE in Victoria

Victoria First Aid has the best FOODSAFE training and certification program provider in Victoria, British Columbia. We train students with updated curricula and high end training equipment – under certified FOODSAFE instructors. FOODSAFE is the collective term used for all food safety programs in British Columbia, with the program mandated by the BC health authorities.

If you need food safety certification, specifically for FOODSAFE training, we have two levels of food safety training available, as well as refresher classes. Get in touch with us by sending an e-mail, giving a call, or visiting Victoria First Aid in person.

What’s the deal with FOODSAFE training crams?

The burden of foodborne illness (FBI) and its extent is still unknown, with numerous factors and cases to consider during research about the condition. Because of this, certain measures have to be taken in order to decrease the incidence of FBI in British Columbia and all over the country and the world. The creation of a food safety training program dubbed FOODSAFE in BC was funded by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Development.

FOODSAFE training is available in two separate levels, in accordance with the BC public health act regulating food establishments. According to the health act, all food establishments in Victoria, BC are required to have (at least) one employee trained in FOODSAFE on duty during each shift. The employees are only required to have level 1 training but taking both levels are highly encouraged.

What is the difference between the first and second level of training with FOODSAFE in Victoria?

FOODSAFE level 1 is targeted towards front-line service workers – employees who handle food directly, from cooks and dishwashers to cashiers and servers. That means the level’s curriculum focuses on skills and concepts of food storage, preparation, and overall handling and safety. FOODSAFE level 2 covers the same concepts, but since it is targeted towards management staff, the focus of the curriculum is on planning. Management staff includes everyone from the owner of the establishment to the executive chef.

  1. FOODSAFE 1 – eight hours, 110 dollars
  2. FOODSAFE 2 – twelve hours, 165 dollars
  3. FOODSAFE by correspondence – 85 dollars, additional 25 dollars for a 2 month extension

FOODSAFE by correspondence

FOODSAFE training can be taken one out of three ways: classroom, internet, or correspondence. The classroom set-up is a traditional face-to-face type of training while the internet option allows students to study via a virtual classroom online.

Training by correspondence costs differently because it is a non-traditional type of training that allows students to study food safety at their own pace. That means they do not have to attend scheduled classes or pass requirements at a specific time. The students are merely asked to finish training in six months or eight months (depending if they request and extension).

Did You Know?

How Foodborne Illness is transmitted

Foodborne illness is caused by ingestion of food (or any similar product) that is contaminated by pathogens or dangerous substances. It is characterized by gastrointestinal symptoms, typically nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain or cramps. However, it can also be transmitted between people, when infected fluids come into contact with the mucous membrane of another person.

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